Sunday, February 11, 2007

Gerard Henderson - Year of the Pigsty

6/2/2007 - Gerard Henderson - Year of the Pigsty

Gerard Henderson - Raconteur

The good news is the Year of the Dog is almost over with, the Year of the Pig to follow. The bad news is that The year of The Pig came early to the McSkimming Street shower cubicle.

January commences with the reality that the mould was here to stay. There is reflection within the community on lawyer Greg Barns's comment that "Australia has become a pigsty". And we await the fulfilment of Germaine Greer's soothsaying that "this looks like being a mouldy summer" from the Gold Coast to Perth.

It wasn't.

Unless you like foot rot.

Unless you were in McSkimming Street.

February. Self-proclaimed futurist (or should that be pastist?) Richard Neville identifies with a placard that declares: "The West has entered a Dark Age." - over Mr McGregor’s right to clean his mould whenever he likes. And what is the source of such wisdom? A rioting radical Islamist in dictatorial Syria, no less.

I shudder at the thought of that Damascus shower cubicle.

Even the left has deserted the McGregors over the watering issue.

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